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KCCC Local Rules

These are local rules for use in Club competitions only. 


Substitutes and Failure to Appear.

At the 2018 AGM, it was proposed that a rule should be introduced (for Club competitions only) to

clarify substitutions and how a game should proceed if a team was one player short at the arranged

starting time. These are amendments to Rules 3 and Rule 11 (j) of RCCC Rules of the Game. These

amendments only apply to KCCC Club Championship and Sub-Skips Competitions. The amendments to the rules are shown in bold italics in the text below.


In 2021 this local rule was changed to clarify the position on the late appearance of a team member.

Rule 3. Teams

The rules below apply unless individual competition rules state otherwise.

(a) A team is composed of four players. Each player delivers two stones, in consecutive order in each

end, while alternating with an opponent.

(b) A team declares its delivery rotation, and the skip and vice-skip positions, prior to the start of a

game and maintains that rotation and those positions throughout that game subject to (d) (ii). A

team that deliberately changes its delivery rotation, or positions, during a game will forfeit the


(c) A team must start a game with a full complement of four players. In exceptional circumstances, if an appropriate substitute cannot be found the game may start with three players present. The

game starts with the delivery of the first stone of the first end for each team or, where appropriate,

with the delivery of the team’s first LSD Stone. Any team not having its full complement shall be

subject to R11(j).

(i) Where a player is unable to play in a round of a competition due to illness, accident or

any other valid reason, that player may be replaced by a substitute, provided this substitute has not

already taken part in that competition in any other team.

(ii) A substitute may play in any position in any round but not higher than the position of the

curler being replaced. The substitute should be chosen in the first instance from the pool of Club

occasional curlers and then, if unsuccessful in that instance, from another team not playing at that

time. The substitute should be chosen to match the skills and experience of the player being

substituted bearing in mind the “Spirit of Curling” which, amongst other things, demands “good

sportsmanship, kindly feeling and honourable conduct”. Rule 3 (v) should be noted in this respect.

(iii) The skip shall declare to and agree any substitute in the first round of a competition or

the nominated team in the first round shall be understood to be the entered team with the

opposing skip one day before the match is due to be played. If the proposed substitution is not

declared or cannot be agreed, the game will go ahead with no substitution taking place and Rule

11(j) will be applied.

(iv) No team shall take into play more than two substitutes, in any game, match or


(v) All substitutes must be eligible in terms of the rules of the competition. If a substitute

plays in a position higher than the curler he is replacing the result will be the forfeiture of the game.

In league play, penalties shall apply as under Forfeiture of the Game, R11(j)(vi)

The remaining clauses of Rule 3 are not amended for KCCC Club Competitions, notably


R3 (d) (iii) Where it is known prior to the start of an end that a team will have only three players,

the first two players shall deliver three stones each and the last player shall deliver two stones.


Rule 11 Scoring

(j)Failure to appear:

(i) Unless Individual Competitions state otherwise a game commences when all players are

on the ice and ready to play.

(ii) Rule 11 (j) (ii) text is replaced by: If a team entered to play has a member(s) failing to

appear on the ice and ready to play:

a) In the case where a player is late, the game should start at the intended time and the following

penalties shall apply:

After 5 minutes 1 end and 1 shot

After 10 minutes 1 end and 2 shots

After 15 minutes 2 ends and 3 shots

After 20 minutes 2 ends and 4 shots

After 25 minutes 2 ends and 5 shots

b) In the case where it is known prior to the start of a game that a team has only 3 players, the

game should start at the intended time and should be played with the team with only 3 players

being subject to a 2 end, 4 shot penalty. Only 6 ends should be played.

NOTE: Rule R3 (d) (iii) applies in both these cases, viz. Where it is known prior to the start of an end that a team will have only three players, the first two players shall deliver three stones each and

the last player shall deliver two stones.

(iii) Where a late penalty applies in any game, ends forfeited shall be deducted from the

total ends to be played. In all situations the non- offending team has the choice of playing first or

second stones in the first end of actual play.

(iv) A team entered to play and failing to appear at a competition shall be liable for the

payment for ice charges arising from the default.

(v) does not apply

(vi) Upon forfeiture of the game the following penalties shall be imposed:

 Six shots shall be awarded to the non-offending team i.e. score would read 6 – 0.

 5 ends shall be awarded to the non-offending team.

 No ends shall be awarded to the offending team

©2018 by Kirkcudbright Country Curling Club. Created with

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